Vice President
Public Relations

Online Credibility Optimiser

To attract guests we need a solid, online PR strategy. But how do we establish our club online to look inviting, valuable and approachable for those potential guests?

This session will walk through exactly how to set up:

You will leave with actionable steps to get ready to promote the heck out of your club and welcome guests at meetings. And all without investing loads of time, pulling out hair or wasted effort.


Social Media Advantage

Imagine if your club had a Facebook strategy that makes it EASY to make the club look GREAT and entices people to visit.

Come along and understand what to post, when to post, and what a club’s strategy needs to include for successful Facebook marketing.

Walk away knowing:

✅  the (simple) techniques for taking photos and videos that make your club look vibrant, active and welcoming.. even if you only have a few members!

✅  exactly when and what to post on Facebook (how often should you post? And about what?)

✅  exactly how to write captions that are much, much more interesting than "photos from our meeting last night" (no more staring at a blank screen wondering what to write)

This session is most beneficial for: VPPR's

Comments from past attendees:

⭐️ "The strategy is clearly laid out in the handout he provided. By participating in this [Facebook] Masterclass, I now understand the thinking behind the strategy, and am better able to using the tips to help my clubs grow. I highly recommend this Masterclass to all Toastmasters. Thanks Thomas."

⭐ "My club, after hearing this presentation gained 7 guests by using his ideas; most went on to become members. "

⭐️ “Very well presented. I gained a lot of ideas which I plan to try.”

⭐️ “What a great night. Great info and gives us a place to start from.”

⭐️ “This was gold!”
